About Me

Hello! Welcome to my website! I’m an Indian-American who loves music, movies, books, knitting, mountains, oceans, sunshine, and rain. Learn how to pronounce my name here.

During the day I hire engineers for a software company, and during the night, I write for children and young adults. My interests and passions in writing for children are mostly centered around STEM/STEAM related topics as well as India and Indian heritage. When I’m not recruiting or writing, I’m gardening or volunteering for We Need Diverse Books and SCBWI or blogging about children’s books at Diverse Verse or Cynsations.

I also love to cook. My favorite foods are Indian although Vietnamese runs a close second. I am afraid of horror movies. I have had many pets in my adult life (dogs and cats). They appear at my doorstep like spirit animals with their tongues sticking out and wagging tails. My current dog, Malli, will do anything for sweets and snacks. She also listens to me read a picture book to her every day.